Chess in the Afternoon

They alluded to the “b” word (boredom), outlawed in our home.
I gave them the look. The look that our parents gave us as children, which accomplished more than the hours of gentle requests we give our children today. You know that look that seems to be dying out with the challenge of raising kids in the modern world.

I saw them walk away giggling but I held strong. I wanted to crack a smile. Incredulous, I wondered did that work?

A mixed feeling rose in my stomach. I was not their friend I kept reminding myself. I’m their Mother! I can join in fun and offer a listening ear and have beautiful experiences together but I am their Mother, first.

So I sat in it…my mixed feelings and deep curiosity of what would happen next. I wondered if with this little bit of sternness and positive expectation they would rise to what they have been taught. And thankfully this is what I found. Yay!

All people, including children rise to the expectations that are set for them, good, mediocre, or bad. They often become who you tell them they are and achieve whatever it is that you subconsciously expect of them, let alone your overt expectations.

If you try this tactic, I’d love to hear about how it goes for you and your loved one?

Dr. Mona

soulworkbydrmona #parenting #childpsychology #marriageandfamily #family #soulfamily #soul




The Fragility of Human Emotions